Discover the secrets of soy
From a food and nutritional standpoint, soybeans are a rich source of protein and healthy fats, making them a valuable food source for both humans and animals. But they’re also used for many non-food applications. We use soybeans for the production of biodiesel, as well as a replacement for petroleum in numerous industrial products such as paints, plastics and lubricants. Soybeans are also used to make hundreds of consumer products, everything from crayons and candles to lotion and lip gloss to tires and artificial turf.

A commodity that shapes the world
Soybeans are used for more than just tofu and soy milk. By eating and using soy-based products, you’re making positive economic and environmental impacts in Ohio, across the U.S. and around the world.

Buying and using soy-based products supports local family farms
In 2022, Ohio had 25,000 soybean farmers. About 97% of these farms are family-owned and operated.
As small-business owners, farmers contribute to the economic growth and stability of communities across Ohio.

Eat soy, a healthy choice
Soy is a nutrient-dense source of plant-based protein, making it a healthy option for people who want to meet their protein requirements without relying solely on animal protein. Soybeans contain B-vitamins, fiber, potassium and magnesium as well as all nine of the essential amino acids that humans need

An environmentally friendly crop
Soybeans are renewable, abundant and grown in Ohio and the U.S. using sustainable farming practices that help protect our air, soil and water.
Once harvested, soybeans provide a more environmentally friendly alternative to petroleum and other volatile ingredients used in consumer and industrial products such as adhesives, lubricants and coatings.

An economic powerhouse
Soybeans are Ohio’s largest crop and its top agricultural export. Each year, about half of the soybeans grown in Ohio are exported, making the state the 7th largest exporter of soybeans in the U.S.
Nationally, the economic impact of soybean farming on the U.S. economy is more than $115 billion annually.

Critical to the agriculture infrastructure
Soybeans are the world’s largest source of animal feed. In fact, 97% of U.S. soybean meal is used to feed chickens, pigs, cows and farmed fish.
Secrets that are worth sharing.
Even though soybeans are Ohio’s most abundant crop, many people don’t know what they look like let alone what they’re used for. Soybeans are considered one of the world’s most versatile crops because they can be used for so many different purposes – from animal feed and human food to consumer and industrial products. Here are some facts about soybeans that you might not know.

Developing new uses and expanding global markets
Soy is not a disruptor or an innovator. It has quietly been shaping and improving our world for centuries. Check back soon to hear from our partners about how they are using soybeans in creative ways.